Saturday, November 14, 2009

the 7 habits of highly effective people - part 7

Habit 2 - Begin with the End in Mind
Covey talks about writing and abiding by mission statements.  Mission statements can apply to your personal life, your family or an organization.  The important thing is if the mission statement applies to more than one person that each and everyone has input in creating the mission statement, if not:

"When people become more mature and their own lives take on a separate meaning, they want involvement, significant involvement.  And if they don't have that involvement, they don't buy it.  Then you have a significant motivational problem which cannot be solved at the same level of thinking that created it."

I just say - the people call your bluff!  You who are directing, do you abide by correct principles or those that the mission statement is based on? Why would you expect your staff to?

Here is an excerpt from a sample mission statement. This mission statement used life roles and goals as a guide.

"My mission is to live with integrity and to make a difference in the lives of others.
To fulfill this mission:
I am impactful:  What I do makes a difference in the lives of others....
...These roles take priority in achieving my mission:

Husband:  my partner is the most important person in my life.  Together we contribute the fruits of harmony, industry, charity, and thrift..."

Your mission statement will be reviewed regularly and perhaps minor changes made as you have insights or changing circumstances over the years; however:

Fundamentally, your mission statement becomes your constitution, the solid expression of your vision and values.  It becomes the criterion by which you measure everything else in your life.

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