I completed my reading list last night. There were more unread books strewn around my apartment than I thought; 21 unread, 3 half read and 4 action. Actions books are the books that I actually have to be an active participant in - the author and I shall become real close! He or she will be teaching me a new skill. For example, I would like to enhance my creative side so what better way than to awaken the right side of my brain. Or is it the left? I bought a drawing book, and not just one, and they are mocking me from my shelf. Very scary.
here's the schedule:
amount to read
There are a total of 28 books to read in 12 months, this is about 2.5 books a month! Is this reasonable? I'll find out at the end of the year.
reading times
Weekdays: Two hours each evening & half an hour to blog
Weekends: 10 hours each weekend & 2 hours to blog
start date: November 2, 2009
end date: November 2, 2010
let the mission begin!
well i wish you luck on this journey..i have to admit that I don't see anyone reading 10 hours on the weekend unless they have nothing else going on in their life, but go for it!