Sunday, November 15, 2009

the count of monte cristo

I am reading this at the same time as the 7 habits.  I figured a little variety is good.  The Count is excellent.  I have oh, let`s see, 1100 pages to go but I have finally sunk my teeth into it.  In just 150 pages, Dantes (the main character) has been in prison for 4 years (and wrongfully so) and Napoleon has taken over King Louis VIII for 100 days and then there was the Restoration.  How does an author accomplish so much so well in 150 pages. It is set in France in the 1800`s. Dantes father has died while he is rotting in a dungeon of darkness.  This was heartbreaking.

This is really good.  Really, really, good. Here is a line that make you think about life; about our own conclusions we draw when faced with a challenge. "The young man had never thought about escape.  There are things that seem so impossible that one instinctively avoids them and doesn`t even consider attempting them."

Yet it was possible all along.

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