Sunday, November 29, 2009

the count of monte cristo

DANTE'S HAS ESCAPED FROM PRISON!!! He was imprsioned in a dark dungeon for 14 years as an innocent man.  His mentor the abbe Faria just died, he had his third fatal seizure as predicted, and now Dantes has lost his dear friend, who was like a father to him.

I finally understand where the title of the book came from.  Bear with me.  So the abbe kept rambling on to the jailers that there was hidden treasure, millions and they assumed he had gone mad and would just laugh at him.  The fact was that he was the most lucid of them all.  At the time of his arrest, he was the secretary to Count Spada.  The Spada's were a well known, wealthy family and had a long history.  However, this wealth was never seen after the earliest, original Spada.  The abbe Faria searched through the family books and papers and after years, after the last Spada died, unraveled the mystery of the hidden treasure on the Island of MONTE CRISTO.

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