Sunday, April 11, 2010

Jane Eyre

Chapters 1 -2

Poor little Jane Eyre.  I would equate her to Cinderella, step child, wicked step mother and as good as she is, it doesn't hold up towards the evilness of some and so Jane suffers.  She isn't connected to the family through blood but through obligation.  Jane was orphaned as an infant, both parents dying. Her uncle made a last dying wish to Mrs. Reed (his wife) to take care of Jane as her own.  Impossible!

She is abused by her wicked little Master John (a real son of Mrs. Reed) and of course rather than John being punished, Jane endures the trauma and with the latest event she has been cast off to the "red room" for punishment.

Here is how she is treated by even the servants of the home:

"Jane, I don't like cavilers or questioners; besides, there is something truly forbidding in a child taking up her elders in that manner.  Be seated somewhere; and until you can speak pleasantly, remain silent." (pg. 1)

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