Saturday, February 13, 2010

the count of monte cristo

page 521 of 1243.

Guaranteed to feel enriched upon reading this book! The way this story has developed is...can't find the right word - more than brilliant, more than extraordinary, more than impressive.  Don't you think authors exit from reality for a while as they produce such pieces of work?

Since Edmond Dantes escaped from prison, the life that he has created for himself is complicated - the choices he has made, the people he has befriended, the places he has gone.  It is so intertwined with pain and anger of senselessly losing his innocence, love, dreams, and future. His understanding of peoples motivations is superhuman through his deep understanding of philosophical explanations.  The path he has taken seems to be routed nonetheless in revenge and how this plays out is yet to be seen.  He has the means to everything he desires, yet he's ruined. This is my interpretation of him. He will never regain what was taken from him.

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